Feel Like a Superstar with EA Madden 20’
01 — Brief
Launch EA Madden 20’ with a television and branded content campaign that highlighted the new gameplay modes.
02 — Insight
Madden 20 gameplay modes make gamers feel like a superstars because now they new abilities and can customize the game like never before.
03 — Idea
A series of films each highlighting a new gameplay mode that showcases gamers testing out the new modes alongside their chosen players who bring it to life by reenacting the mode in person.
My Role
I was a part of a small team that came with the overarching concept or ‘Feel like a superstar.’ I was also responsible for selling through the campaign and ideas directly to the client which included PR ideas, brand actions, social concepts, television, and branded content. Omid, Tommy, and Jacob were the football insider info experts whilst I directed the overall art direction and humor in lay-mans terms for the everyday gamer.
The Team
Agency: Johannes Leonardo
Creatives: Omid Amidi, Alexis Jabbour, Jacob Mehringer, and Tommy Woods
Director: Neal Brennan